Elliott, Lisa HBracey, Annie MNiemi, Gerald JJohnson, Douglas HGehring, Thomas MGnass Giese, Erin EFiorino, Giuseppe EHowe, Robert WLawrence, Gregory JNorment, Christopher JTozer, Douglas CIgl, Lawrence D2022-12-082022-12-082022-12-08https://hdl.handle.net/11299/250105GL_Data.csv: point count data for Pied-billed Grebe, Virginia Rail, Sora, and American Bittern and associated environmental variables from the Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (2016-2017) and the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (1995-1997, 2016-2017). variableList.csv: a list of environmental variables used in the data analysis wetland classifications.csv: a list of hydroperiods associated with five classes of wetlands Data prep_Ecosphere.R: Load DWS data and combine with GL_Data.csv into a single dataset (wetlandData) DataSetCreation_Ecosphere.Rmd: Use the wetlandData dataset to create training and validation datasets. RegionalAnalysis_Ecosphere.Rmd: Conduct analysis of training dataset, evaluate model performances with validation dataset RegionalAnalysis_landscapeOnly_Ecosphere.Rmd: Re-run analysis using only landscape-scale environmental covariates TablesResultsDiscussion_Ecosphere.Rmd: Markdown script for tables, appendices, and additional calculations for Results and Discussion sections of accompanying manuscript Figures2_Ecosphere.Rmd: Markdown script for Figure 2 of the accompanying manuscriptSpecies often exhibit regionally specific habitat associations, and, thus, habitat association models developed in one region might not be accurate or even appropriate for other regions. Three programs to survey wetland-breeding birds covering (respectively) North American wetland breeding bird survey programs in Great Lakes coastal wetlands, inland Great Lakes wetlands, and the Prairie Pothole Region offer an opportunity to test whether regionally specific models of habitat use by wetland-obligate breeding birds are transferrable across regions. This dataset includes wetland bird point count and habitat characteristics data from the Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (2016-2017) and Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program (1995-1997 and 2016-2017). These data are then combined with publicly available data from the Dakotas Wetland Survey (1995-1997). The included code files cover the creation and selection of habitat association models, and test the transferability of these models across datasets. These data are now released to accompany publication of "Application of habitat association models across regions: useful explanatory power retained in wetland bird case study."CC0 1.0 Universalhttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/distributionGreat Lakes Regionhabitat associationmodel transferabilityPrairie Pothole Regionremotely sensed datawetland birdsWetland bird case study for application of habitat association models across Great Lakes and Prairie Pothole regionsDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/3gvn-9t46