McGuire, Kevin T.2014-10-232014-10-231995Constitutional Commentary, Volume 11, Number 3 (Winter 1994-95), pages 622-626.0742-7115 review: Critical Judicial Nominations and Political Change: The Impact of Clarence Thomas. By Christopher E. Smith. Westport, Conn: Praeger. 1993. Pp. xii, 172 ; Justice Antonin Scalia and the Supreme Court's Conservative Moment. By Christopher E. Smith. Westport, Conn: Praeger. 1993. Pp. xi, 148. Reviewed by: Kevin T. McGuire.enBook review: Critical Judicial Nominations and Political Change: The Impact of Clarence Thomas. By Christopher E. Smith ; Justice Antonin Scalia and the Supreme Court's Conservative Moment. By Christopher E. Smith.Article