Creed, JonGiant, JoeThorpe, DavidWhite, David2013-05-152013-05-152013-05-14 paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Urban and Regional PlanningThe University of Minnesota – Humphrey School of Public Affairs graduate research team, through the 2012-2013 Resilient Communities Project and the City of Minnetonka, compiled this TOD recommendations report and toolkit.1 Using the Minnetonka 2030 Comprehensive Guide Plan and variety of reports derived from Hennepin County’s Transitional Station Area Action Plans (TSAAP) process as a foundation for land use goals and future recommendations for the City, this report seeks to provide the City of Minnetonka with policy recommendations that can ensure the potential economic, environmental, and transit benefits associated with the development of the Shady Oak and Opus Light Rail Transit (LRT) station areas. This process was accomplished by examining best practices in transit-oriented development (TOD) using national examples, then synthesizing the key themes and lessons into a “toolkit” of policy recommendations applicable to the City of Minnetonka. The research and recommendations have been divided into three parts.en-USTransitMinnetonkaTODTransit-Oriented Development in Minnetonka: Cases and Policy recommendations for TOD Implementation in Minnetonka, MNThesis or Dissertation