Fitzgerald, CassieJenkins, Gwendolyn2019-08-302019-08-302019 completed by students enrolled in PA 5261: Housing Policy, taught by Dr. Edward Goetz in spring 2019.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between Scott County and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to provide information and recommendations to the county in advance of its launching of a Community Land Trust (CLT) program in 2019. Scott County project lead Linda Janovsky collaborated with students in Dr. Edward Goetz’ course, PA 5261, to research best practices for CLT programs and interview staff currently working with the Carver County CDA, which has operated a CLT program since 2011. A final student report from the project is available.enScott County Projects, 2018-2019sustainabilitylocal governmentaffordable housingCreating a Community Land Trust in Scott CountyReport