Bierbaum, Andrew Joseph2013-08-162013-08-162013-06 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. June 2013. Major: Chemistry. Advisor: Wayne L. Gladfelter. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 115 pages.This research attempted to extend the useful applications of ZnO by investigating ZnO nanoparticles, doping ZnO nanoparticles, characterizing electron injection from dye molecules into ZnO nanoparticles, and depositing thin films of doped ZnO nanoparticles using inkjet printing. Chapter 1 describes research that produced particles ranging from 2.7 nm to 1 μm of undoped and doped ZnO. These particles were made using solution methods with zinc acetate and aluminum and gallium nitrate salts as dopants, and the particles were characterized by ultraviolet visible absorption, photoluminescence, infrared absorption, and transmission or scanning electron microscopy. The doped ZnO nanoparticles displayed optical signatures of doping in particles larger than 10 nm. This is significant because doping of nanoparticles is still not fully understood, and there are few examples of successfully doping nanoparticles. Chapter 2 describes the research done toward inkjet printing of ZnO films for potential use in a fully inkjet printed solar cell. The research aim was to produce a TCO film of ZnO using inkjet printing that had a bulk resistivity between 10-2 and10-3 Ω cm, a thickness between 0.1 and 1 μm, the highest transparency possible, and processed using conditions under 250 ºC. Film produced using solution methods including inkjet printing were characterized by four point probe ohmmeter, x-ray diffraction, ultraviolet visible absorption, visible microscopy, profilometry, and scanning electron microscopy. Inkjet printed films produced using nanoparticles did not meet the production requirements, but ii progress towards these goals are presented along with the successes and shortcoming of the methods used. Chapter 3 describes the research done on charge transfer from photoexcited porphyrin dyes into ZnO nanoparticles dispersions in methanol. The goal of this research was to further the understanding of the dye-semiconductor interaction and important electron transfer characteristics. Using a series of three porphyrin dyes and a range of particle sizes, the rate of electron transfer was investigated.en-USDopingNanoparticlePorphyrinSolar CellZinc OxideZinc oxide nanoparticles: doping, Inkjet printing, and electron accepting from photoexcited porphyrin dyesThesis or Dissertation