Peterson, Jerrold M2024-07-292024-07-291999 year given (1999) is an estimate.This paper explores the problems and potentials of teaching a college level macroeconomic economics course with computer simulation of the the 1999 economy and the future. The simulation is currently under development for use in Econ 3022 Macroeconomic Analysis being taught in the fall semester of 1999 at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. The current prototype course uses a computer simulation model of the U.S. economy for a period of time from 1985-1999 and a self-correcting laboratory with individually developed lessons. Each lesson has an infinite number of self-generated quizzes each with ten questions. Eventually, the simulation model will be coupled with video lecture series. The paper will explore briefly the potential cost to the institution of this mechanism for enhanced learning and teaching.enBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthA Computer Simulation of the 1999 Macroeconomy: A Prototype Simulation Model For Teaching a Macroeconomic CourseWorking Paper