Moen, Ronald2016-02-102017-04-142016-02-102017-04-142009 sites are used by female Canada lynx to raise kittens for a period of about 50 days after parturition. We reported on litter size, movements around the den site, and broad-scale habitat types around ten den sites in a peer-reviewed publication (Moen et al. 2008). Pictures of each den site, personal observations, and comments on den site characteristics that are not in the peerreviewed publication are included in this report, in which we describe den sites found in Minnesota in more detail than can be done in a peer-reviewed publication. We also discuss characteristics of Minnesota den sites with respect to the den sites described in published literature.enCanada lynxRadiotelemetryMinnesotaNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthDen sites of radiocollared Canada Lynx in Minnesota 2004-2007Natural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report