Cici, Kristen2018-04-122018-04-122010 report provides an in-depth look at the potential of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe's plan to manufacture and sell Solar Powered Furnaces. It provides a marketing assessment that reviews the target market of individuals, tribal governments, tribal coalitions, and state and county government within the five state area of Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The SPF units are described and compared to competitor's products, along with identifying potential environmental and financial incentives for consumers. A market strategy for each of the four groups is identified and funding for the product is discussed. A shipping cost plan for shipping the product to each of the five targeted states is included. Finally, a tribal directory and funding opportunity list will assist the sales team for this product. The LLBO has a unique advantage in selling this product to the identified market. They will effectively package the product with available funding to increase sales. This opportunity will provide LLBO with jobs, skill development, and a market share in the solar energy field - which has grown rapidly in recent years.enCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Final Report on Proposed Solar Powered Furnace Manufacturing BusinessReport