Campbell, SteveJenkins, Marc2008-02-062008-02-062006-05-05 (final report and executive summary) providing recommendations proposed by the Research Infrastructure Task Force to improve research at the University by identifying upcoming research opportunities, assessing the amount of growth needed to capitalize on new research opportunities, and recommending plans to support the University's research infrastructure.This report contains many specific recommendations that would improve operations and efficiencies within the U of M research infrastructure system. In order to achieve the University’s stated goal of becoming one of the top three public research universities, however, it is clear that major capital investments will be necessary, particularly in the five research areas that this report highlights. Minor new investments and gains achieved by reorganization and increases in efficiency will not be sufficient. Central administration, through its respective Foundations, must improve its solicitation of financial support for major research infrastructure projects from Minnesota-based companies, who are the primary beneficiaries of U of M research both directly, such as with the Cargill Building for Microbial and Plant Genomics, and indirectly through graduate and professional training.en-USresearcheducationTransforming the University: Recommendations of the Task Force on Research InfrastructureReport