Reilly, Evelyn C2023-08-152023-08-152023-06 timeline highlights key milestones in the development of Kernza perennial grain. It was created to spotlight and celebrate the past 40 years of work in the United States. Launching a new perennial grain crop requires agronomic, genetic, environmental, food science, and social research with a network of community-based expertise in farmer adoption, policy, supply chain development, and commercialization. This effort is only possible through the collaboration of dozens of researchers, farmers, business partners, policy advocates, and more. This timeline provides a sense of the efforts and meaningful moments that mark Kernza’s history through 2022. However, it cannot fully capture the extensive work that went into each achievement, nor many other important milestones that were not included due to space considerations. This timeline focuses on US work, but Kernza research and production have expanded to multiple countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay. Collaborators on KernzaCAP, a multidisciplinary research project funded by the US Department of Agriculture, compiled these milestones in 2022.enKernzahistorytimelineperennial grainintermediate wheatgrassKernzaCAPKernza® Perennial Grain in 40 MilestonesOther