University of Minnesota Duluth. College of Liberal Arts Change Team2020-03-242020-03-242019, September 17th; Chester Park Room 105; Simulation Open 1:30-4:00; A CLA Passport Event; Celebrating 2019 Constitution DayOn September 17th the CLA Change Team will be running "A Mile in Their Shoes: an Immigration Simulation" from 1:30 - 4:00 in Chester Park 105, allowing students and community members to go through the difficult experience of immigrating to the United States. Participants will take a citizenship test, cross the border, simulate ICE detention, go to court, and finally find a job in the United States. The simulation should take about 1/2 hour to complete. Participants are not expected to stay for the entire 2 1/2 hours. As part of this event, we hope to share with participants the difficult journey to the United States that some members of the UMD community have faceden-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthCollege of Library Arts Change TeamSimulationsA Mile in Their Shoes: An Immigrant Simulation (2019-09-17)Other