Nanney, Marilyn SusieNelson, Toben FKubik, Martha YMacLehose, Richard2016-06-162016-06-162016-06-16 data and documentation are primarily organized in three zipped folders. Files are organized according to the survey they are associated with. All Minnesota Student Survey (MSS) files, which include the original survey, data description, codebook, variable descriptions, and data files, are zipped into the folder labeled The same is true for Minnesota School Health Profiles Principal (HPP) and Minnesota School Health Profiles Teacher (HPT) files. The additional unzipped files include a longer description of the ScOPE Project (scope_description.pdf) the formats required to run the program in a statistical program ( and scope_formats.txt), and a list of all publications that resulted from the study (scope_publications.pdf). Within zipped folders, the naming convention for files is as follows: [project]_[year]_[survey]_[description].[extension]. Year is represented as a four-digit number. The survey that the file is associated will be a standard code (mss, hpp, hpt). Description denotes whether the file contains data (referred to as “data”), documentation of variables (“variables” or “codebook”), or provides further description of the data (“datadescription” or “survey”). Where one element of the filename is unnecessary, for example, with the upper level zipped files, it is omitted. Data were originally analyzed using SAS. Those file formats are included here; however, all files have also been converted to CSV which can be used in a variety of software, including SAS, SPSS, R, and STATA. It is important to note that when loading the Health Profiles survey data (HPP and HPT) into SAS, you must first run the file. If using another statistical software program, note that additional needed value labels are in the scope_formats.txt file. Some of the Health Profiles variables are already formatted, so the formats need to be available in the statistical program to read the data in correctly.The goal of this study was to evaluate the associations between school-level food and physical activity policy and practice environments and student diet, activity behaviors, and weight status using three surveys: The Minnesota School Health Profiles Principal Survey, the Minnesota School Health Profiles Teacher Survey, and the Minnesota Student Survey.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International ScOPE: School Obesity-related Policy EvaluationDataset