Engesser, John2017-06-222017-06-222001-05-10https://hdl.handle.net/11299/188548Project #5600117; Final ReportA research project supported by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Iron Ore Cooperative Research Committee was undertaken to reduce the dissolution of fluoride into process water during taconite processing. Leach tests were conducted using rod mill feed samples and water containing varying concentrations of calcium and sodium. Laboratory liberation grinds were performed to evaluate fluoride rejection during grinding and magnetic separation. Tube furnace tests were conducted to evaluate fluoride volatilization during pellet induration. The results indicate that fluoride concentration of process water is a function of both calcium and sodium concentration in process water. It appears that less than 1 percent of the fluoride present in rod mill feed will dissolve in process water during grinding. More than 90 percent of the fluoride present in rod mill feed is rejected with tailings during siz.e reduction and magnetic separation. The furnace tests demonstrate that bentonite and fluxstone (calcite and dolomite) addition to taconite concentrate during pellet production increases the amount of fluoride that volatiliz.es during induration. Lime hydrate addition to pellets decreases the amount of fluoride that volatilizes during pellet induration. During acid pellet production approximately three times more fluoride enters the water during indurationoff- gas scrubbing than during grinding. When fluxed pellets are produced three to eight times more fluoride enters the water during off-gas scrubbing than during taconite grinding.enFluorideTaconite processingPelletsMinntacLTVLiberation Grind TestsVertical Tube Furnace TestsFlask-Leach TestsNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthThe Reduction of Fluoride Dissolution During Induration Off-Gas ScrubbingThe Reduction of Fluoride Dissolution During Induration Off-Gas Scrubbing: Final ReportNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report