Bleifuss, Rodney L2017-06-202017-06-201999-10Project #5697116 Ore Cooperative Research Committee, July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1998The objective of this study was to examine the mineralogical characteristics of the various bentonites in greater detail to determine if subtle differences in the mineralogy could be related to the chemical analyzes and physical test data and perhaps explain the anomalous plant performances reported. The study was based on field samples collected from four of the bentonite companies operating in Wyoming and on representative bentonite samples provided by the taconite plants operating in Minnesota. Chemical and physical tests were run on all of the samples. X-ray diffi-action .patterns obtained from the bentonite samples under different conditions: "as received", minus 2 micron-air dried, minus 2 micron-w/glycol, and minus 2 micron after heat treatment at 250°C.enBentonite clayIron oreTaconite industryMinnesotaMichiganBallingNatural Resources Research InstituteUniversity of Minnesota DuluthBentonite SurveyNatural Resources Research Institute Technical ReportTechnical Report