Voigt, Richard L. Jr.Toro-Escobar, CarlosMorgan, Scott2014-10-302014-10-301998-04https://hdl.handle.net/11299/167315The St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory (SAFHL) was contracted by Hydro-Turf & Associates to perform hydraulic testing of their Conlock and Conlock II concrete revetment systems. The testing was performed during February 1995 in SAFHL's largest flume, measuring 6 ft high x 9 ft wide x 253 ft long, with a maximum discharge capacity of 300 ft^3/s. The tests were undertaken to evaluate block performance to provide information regarding failure thresholds under controlled laboratory conditions. The testing was conducted in a manner to replicate as close as practical, the testing performed by Simon's, Li and Associates, Inc., for the Federal Highway Administration's overtopping embankment studies. A detailed description of the test setup is included later in this report. The embankment was constructed at the downstream end of the channel, extending into the tailgate pit. This allowed construction of an embankment 5.5 ft high and a maximum overtopping depth of 3.5 ft. The 3:1 downslope followed a 20 ft level section; both the embankment and level section were installed to the full 9 ft width of the channel. The full width was chosen to minimize sidewall effects.enHydraulic Stability of Conlock and Conlock II Concrete Block Revetment System During Overtopping FlowReport