Calor, Adolfo R.Holzenthal, Ralph W.Froehlich, Claudio G.2017-07-182017-07-182016Calor, A., Holzenthal, R., & Froehlich, C. (2016). Phylogeny and revision of the Neotropical genus Grumichella Müller (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including nine new species and a key. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 176(1), 137-169. systematics of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Grumichella Müller (Leptoceridae: Grumichellinae) are reviewed. Diagnoses, descriptions and illustrations are provided for four previously described species, G. aequiunguis Flint, 1983, G. flaveola (Ulmer, 1911), G. pulchella (Banks, 1910) and G. rostrata Thienemann, 1905, and nine new species: G. blahniki sp. nov. (Peru), G. boraceia sp. nov. (Brazil), G. cressae sp. nov. (Venezuela), G. jureia sp. nov. (Brazil), G. leccii sp. nov. (Brazil), G. muelleri sp. nov. (Brazil), G. paprockii sp. nov. (Brazil), G. parati sp. nov. (Brazil) and G. trujilloi sp. nov. (Venezuela). The monophyly of the genus is corroborated (16 synapomorphies) and the phylogenetic relationships of its included species, based on analysis of 66 adult, larval, and pupal characters, are inferred as (G. aequiunguis ((G. boraceiae (G. leccii, G. parati)) (G. rostrata ((G. flaveola, G. pulchella) (G. muelleri, G. paprockii)) (G. jureia (G. trujilloi (G. cressae, G. blahniki)))))). A taxonomic key to the males of the species is presented.enbiodiversitycaddisfliesGrumichellinaephylogenetic relationshipsreviewsystematicsPhylogeny and revision of the Neotropical genus Grumichella Müller (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), including nine new species and a keyArticle10.1111/zoj.12310