Mao, RunfangDorfman, Kevin D2024-05-302024-05-302024-05-30 the data provided here, users can reproduce all the figures presented in the associated paper entitled "Dynamics of double-knotted DNA molecules under nanochannel confinement". The dataset is split into the subdirectories "Figure#" corresponding to each figure in the main paper.This dataset contains the output files and associated codes from the simulation in "Dynamics of double-knotted DNA molecules under nanochannel confinement". Langevin dynamics simulations were used to investigate the two knot dynamics and interactions in nanochannel confined DNA molecules. With this dataset, users should be able to regenerate the figures that appeared in the paper.CC0 1.0 Universal DNA moleculesnanochannel confinementmolecular dynamicsDynamics of double-knotted DNA molecules under nanochannel confinementDataset