Jaguszewski, Janice M.Probst, Laura K.2010-04-052010-04-052000Library Trends 48 (4) 2000: Collection Development in an Electronic Environment: 799-8200024-2594https://hdl.handle.net/11299/60185In the past, serial cancellations and storage decisions focused primarily on print resources. With the addition of electronic resources, librarians in large research institutions must now manage an integrated collection consisting of both print and electronic formats. This article explores the impact that electronic resources have on such deaccession decisions. The authors identify criteria for these decisions and, within this framework, discuss the issues that arise because of the complex nature of electronic resources.en-USAcademic librariesCollection developmentElectronic journalsSerial cancellationsThe Impact of Electronic Resources on Serial Cancellations and Remote Storage Decisions in Academic Research LibrariesArticle