Noel, Andrea2010-07-212010-07-212010-07-21 information provided in this handout does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Minnesota Medical School physicians and faculty. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are in no way intended to take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal health care provider. You use the information provided in these handouts at your own risk.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been shown in many studies to be superior to medications in the treatment of a variety of types of insomnia. CBT is administered over several sessions and utilizes techniques of psychotherapy, sleep restriction, stimulus control, sleep hygiene, passive wakefulness, and relaxation training. An abbreviated form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy designed for use in Primary Care settings has shown similar results to standard length CBT, and superior results compared to sleep hygiene advice typical of a Primary Care setting. For the Primary Care Physician who has the time and resources to learn and implement CBT, CBT holds promise as an effective treatment for insomnia in a Primary Care setting. This PET was designed to teach patients about CBT for the treatment of insomnia.en-USInsomniaCognitive Behavioral TherapyCBTInsomnia: A Treatment Guide for PatientsOther