Butler, Megan (editor)2018-05-022019-10-022016https://hdl.handle.net/11299/208354Report compiled and edited by Megan Butler, a graduate research assistant with the Resilient Communities Project.Investment in solar energy in Minnesota has increased dramatically in the last decade, and the Minnesota Department of Commerce projects that the state’s solar capacity will continue to grow. While solar systems have been lauded for their ability to provide a safe, resilient, zero-emission source of locally produced energy, solar installations also offer a valuable educational opportunity for local residents. This tool is meant to serve as a guide for communities interested in increasing the educational value of municipal solar installations. This document was prepared by the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project (RCP) for the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program. The materials contained within this guide have been adapted from student work completed in partnership with RCP and Carver County, Minnesota, during the 2015–2016 academic year. Although the original report was developed for a specific community, students’ findings and recommendations have been synthesized and generalized, and additional research has been conducted where necessary, to produce a resource that is relevant to communities throughout Minnesota. The original student report can be found at https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/184904.ensolar energylocal governmentsustainabilityResilient Communities Project-GreenStep Cities GuideImproving the Educational Role of Municipal Solar Installations: A Resilient Communities Project-GreenStep Cities GuideReport