Minneapolis Neighborhood Information System2019-06-052019-06-052004https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203448Longfellow Community Council (LCC) and Seward Redesign (SR) were asked to pull together some demographic information for the LCC Housing Committee. The Housing Committee wanted some background information to be able to assess the need for, and make decisions around, where and how affordable housing should be incorporated into the community. The project outputs included maps of race distribution (by concentration of white population), median income by census block group, single-family and duplex distribution (homestead and non-homestead), multifamily projects containing 11 units or more, and public housing and affordable housing projects in the area. LCC used this data to help determine where and what types of affordable housing projects to absorb into the neighborhood.enAffordable HousingDemographicsGeographic Information Systems (GIS)Longfellow NeighborhoodMapsMinneapolisMinneapolis Neighborhood Information System (MNIS)Neighborhood OrganizationsLongfellow Housing Need and Neighborhood Demographic.Report