Gruner, John W.2010-01-202010-01-201924 map inserts as pdfs, scales 1:62,500, 1:100,000.This paper treats the geology of that portion of the Mesabi Range that lies west of the town of Mesaba. The Mesabi Range east of Mesaba was recently surveyed by Grout and Broderick, and the Gunflint Range by Broderick. The subjects treated include (I) the stratigraphic subdivisions and structure of the iron formation, (2) the occurrence of large magnetite bodies, possibly ore reserves for the future, (3) the origin of the formation and of the ores. The geologic setting of the district as a whole is briefly reviewed.engeologyiron oreMinnesota Geological SurveymagnetiteMesabiiron rangeBulletin No. 19. Contributions to the Geology of the Mesabi Range with Special Reference to the Magnetites of the Iron-bearing Formation West of MesabaMap