Nelson, Sally, GADiGiacomo, GigiKlodd, AnnieJacobson, JohnWimmer, MadelineHutchison, William, H2024-03-222024-03-222024 is one of the most popular fruit crops grown in Minnesota and maintains high consumer demand for fresh fruit sales and agritourism at orchards around the state. Apple trees grown on a high-density trellis system have proven to be an economical production option for growers. In this system, growers typically rely on insecticides to minimize the risk of pest-related fruit losses. This article highlights the results of a study examining the impacts of drape-style hail netting on insect pests, beneficial insects, fruit quality, and yield. In addition, the economic benefits of hail netting for insect pest management are summarized.enhail nettingintegrated pest managementapple productionphysical controleconomicsHail Netting for Apples: Study Results (2021-2022)Article