Green, Jeffrey A2018-10-232018-10-231994-01-26 trace conducted at the Sioux Nation Wildlife Management Area in order to better define flow dynamics in an area with groundwater discharge to a fen.Water levels in the fens located within Sioux Nation Wildlife Management Area are threatened by proposed pumping from the nearby Burr Well Field. The fen is part of a complex hydrologic environment with many springs fed by upwelling ground water that may be coming frQm either a shallow sand unit located 30-40 feet below the land surface or a deeper aquifer, located approximately 120 feet below the land surface. To help define the source of the ground water feeding the fen, I am requesting Jeff Green's assistance in conducting a dye trace near the fen. By injecting dye into a well completed in the shallow aquifer, it is hoped the ground water flow system can be defined better.enfenspringdyetracegroundwatertracingSioux Nation Fen Dye TraceReport