Sonnek, PamelaSimonson, CourtnerJones, EllenMcGreal, MichaelO-Neill, RyanLorbiecki, StevenWolter, AlexAnderson-Wright, TylerWegener, HaydenNelson, CarterBrigadier, MatthewAtchison, TylerChoi, Jae YoungChristensen, DavidStieber, Andrew2018-10-082018-10-082018 and presentations completed by students enrolled in SMGT 3881: Senior Seminar in Sports Management, taught by Dr. Lisa Kihl in spring 2018.This project was completed as part of a year-long partnership between the City of Ramsey and the University of Minnesota's Resilient Communities Project ( In order to help the City of Ramsey develop a long-term vision and strategy for a community center and its associated programing, this project focused on assessing the needs of the community, investigating community-center and community-programing models in peer cities, and exploring concept options for a community center in Ramsey. Ramsey project lead Mark Riverblood collaborated with a team of students in Dr. Lisa Kihl's SMGT 3881 course to determine the recreation and community center needs and desires of the community, and what recreation and other opportunities already exist in Ramsey and nearby communities. A final student report and PowerPoint presentation from the project are available.enlocal governmentRamseysustainabilityCity of Ramsey Projects, 2017-2018A Gathering Place for Community: Community Center Feasibility ReportPresentation