University of Minnesota: Office of the President2007-02-202007-02-202005-05-06 report provides the next step for the Board in the strategic positioning process by bringing forward academic recommendations for review and action. These recommendations will initiate changes in the structural design of the University by realigning academic departments and reducing the total number of colleges. This document also provides additional information on academic and administrative recommendations for the Board to provide a more complete picture of how we recommend moving forward to achieve our aspiration. The academic recommendations include a continuing strong commitment to diversity, enhanced services to insure greater student success, improved undergraduate academic programs through enhanced honors and writing initiatives, strengthening the quality and support of our faculty, and improved academic alignment of resources to leverage our resources. The administrative recommendations strive to make the University as well known for its effective and efficient services and operations as it is for its academic excellence, and are expected to achieve cost savings that can be reallocated to the teaching, research and public engagement mission of the University.en-USPresidentReportTransforming the University of Minnesota: President's RecommendationsOther