Hagley, CindyKreag, Glenn MJensen, Douglas AAnderson, Keith A2017-08-152017-08-151999https://hdl.handle.net/11299/189313Minnesota Sea Grant Program. Duluth: Minnesota Sea Grant.This information-rich report summarizes the results of a survey, roundtable and workshop that took place in 1998 in collaboration with the MN DNR. The report summarizes two parts of the four-part process including a roundtable and public workshops. The roundtable took place on July 27, 1998, in Hibbing, MN, followed by the public workshops on September 11 and 12, 1998, in Duluth and Grand Rapids, MN. Results of the statewide lakes survey are reported separately. A Minnesota Lakes Survey, a collaborative project with the MN DNR, was sent also to 2,000 randomly-selected people statewide and reported separately (not as part of this study). The report includes fact sheets summarizing issues about water surface use, property values and economy, septic systems, water quality, education, planning and zoning, interagency collaboration, balancing individual rights versus sustaining quality, and balancing aquatic and wildlife needs with human demands. Many of the issues and proposed actions appear to be relevant in 2015 and continue to have merit.enTaking Stock - Social ConstructsTaking Stock - Topical CategoriesTaking Stock - Lakes & LimnologyTaking Stock - Attitudes and OpinionsLakesNortheastern MinnesotaNatural resourcesTreasures Under Pressure: The Future of Northeastern Minnesota Lakes - Result of the 1998 Public Workshops: Summary ReportOther