Webb, AlexTao, TaoKhani, AlirezaCao, JasonWu, Xinyi2021-04-232021-04-232021-01https://hdl.handle.net/11299/219437Transitways such as light rail transit (LRT) and bus rapid transit (BRT) provide fast, reliable, and high-capacity transit service. Transitways have the potential to attract more riders and take a portion of the auto mode share, reducing the growth of auto traffic. Park-and-ride (PNR) facilities can complement transit service by providing a viable choice for residents who are without walking access to transit or those who prefer better transit service such as LRT or BRT. In this study, we conducted two research tasks on Transitways services in the Twin Cities region in Minnesota; 1) to examine the impact of the operation of the Green Line LRT on the annual average daily traffic (AADT) of its adjacent roads, and 2) to estimate a PNR location choice model in the Twin Cities metropolitan area.enLight rail transitBus rapid transitPark and rideSurveysChoice modelsTransitway Impacts Research ProgramImpact of Transitways on Travel on Parallel and Adjacent Roads and Park-and-ride FacilitiesReport