Fitzgerald, John2015-10-132015-10-132013-07 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2013. Major: Kinesiology. Advisors: Beth Lewis, Stacy Ingraham. 1 computer file (PDF); iv, 134 pages.The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between vitamin D status and laboratory measures that are relevant to physical performance in competitive ice hockey players. Data was collected for 53 junior and collegiate ice hockey players residing near Minneapolis, Minnesota (44.9� N) during the offseason (May 16-June 28). Vitamin D status was inversely associated with percent body fat and positively associated with handgrip strength, trended with peak power during the wingate test, but not with vertical jump height after adjusting for measured covariates. Representing a novel finding of this study, 25(OH)D status was inversely related to jump execution time, time to peak power and positively associated with force gradient during the squat jump after adjusting for potential covariates.en25-hydroxyvitamin Dadiposityathletespowerstrengthvitamin DVitamin D Deficiency and Physical Performance in AthletesThesis or Dissertation