Borchert, LeAnn LDunphy, DonineHolte, Inese2024-08-092024-08-091984-12 study of recreational facilities for special populations in Northeastern Minnesota was prepared by the Tourism Management and Development Center at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. This research was Development Center located Economics at UMD. supported by the Small Business in the School of Business and The project had two purposes: 1) to identify user patterns of the disabled, and 2) to identify resorts, campgrounds, motels, and interpretive centers that are designed to accommodate disabled people. This manual is designed for use by the disabled community and by facility owners and managers. Special population groups and individuals can use the last half of this manual to determine which resorts, campgrounds, motels or museums may have facilities to meet their needs. Owners of these kinds of recreational facilities may use this manual to determine what types of improvements need to be made in order to increase their attraction to people with special needs.enBureau of Business and Economic ResearchUniversity of Minnesota DuluthPotential Utilization of Tourism-Oriented Small Businesses in Northeastern Minnesota by the DisabledWorking Paper