Dahlheimer, Justin2019-06-122019-06-122009https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203606Hassan Township, which will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2010, has many historic structures at risk of demolition as development encroaches. A graduate student in urban and regional planning helped the township to identify and inventory historically and culturally significant structures in the community, conduct interviews with long-time residents of the community to record their recollections about historic structures and sites in the community Hassan, and identify methods to preserve and protect the community's local heritage. Project partners included the Hassan Historical Society, the Minnesota Historical Society, the Hennepin County Historical Society, and Three Rivers Park District. Hassan Township and the Hassan Area Historical Society will use the information from this report to determine the best approach to historic preservation in the community, and to prioritize historic sites and structures for preservation. The project has resulted in discussions with staff from the neighboring City of Rogers to coordinate historic preservation efforts in light of the orderly annexation agreement between the two communities.enArchitectureCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Hassan TownshipHistoric PreservationHistoryLand UseLocal GovernmentsPlanningTownshipsHassan Area Historic PreservationReport