Arendale, David R.Lee, Nue Lor2018-09-262018-09-262018Arendale, D. R., & Lee, N. L. (2018). Academic bridge programs. In R. F. Flippo and T. W. Bean (Eds.). Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research (3rd ed., pp. 227-237). New York, NY: Routledge. programs ease the transition of students from secondary education to postsecondary institutions. They are customized to assist a particular subpopulation of students to be successful. They were originally created for students with high rates of academic difficulty and withdrawal than the general student population. Then, the focus of most bridge programs was academic preparation for increased academic rigor of college. In recent years, a variety of purposes have been added: meet the needs of culturally diverse students who are underrepresented in college, increase student success in particular college degree programs, and increase the number of students who aspire and are prepared for college. Bridge programs range from an intensive program of coordinated courses and noncredit learning experiences to a single academic term course or a workshop lasting a day or two.encollege studentslearning assistancestudent achievementstudent engagementacademic bridge programshigher and postsecondary educationpeer assisted learningpostsecondary peer cooperative learning groupsprogram evaluationcollege student developmentstudent transitions and vocational explorationcareer developmentdevelopmental educationTRIOcurriculumacademic accessprogram implementationacademic interventionsenrollment managementhigh school studentsstudent retention and persistence ratesAcademic bridge programsBook chapter