DES 33312017-11-062017-11-062017 and presentations completed by students enrolled in DES 3331: Street Life Urban Design Seminar, taught by Carrie Christensen in spring 2017.This project was completed as part of the 2016-2017 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Brooklyn Park. The city’s Zane Avenue Corridor is a mixed use, transit-dependent corridor with high levels of poverty. The area is part of Brooklyn Park’s Stable Neighborhood Action Plan (SNAP), a program that aims to improve the livability and stability of neighborhoods by improving housing and infrastructure in the area. SNAP developments have increased transit opportunities along the corridor, but have been inconsistent and have caused the corridor to appear disconnected and uninviting. Students in Carrie Christensen’s Street Life Urban Design Seminar worked with Brooklyn Park to evaluate and identify strategies to increase the area’s sense of place and overall streetscape design. The students offered a variety of recommendations that ranged from utilizing the corridor to display public art to implementing a safe-driving program. The students’ final reports are presentation are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentBrooklyn ParkBrooklyn Park Projects, 2016-2017Assessing Street Life Along the Zane Avenue Cooridor: Final ReportsPresentation