Grewell, Rachel2018-04-122018-04-122013 Olson; farmer, county commissioner, and syndicated agriculture columnist recently opened a licensed community kitchen in conjunction with a town café in Clinton, MN. The impetus for this re-opening of the café and added resource of a community commercial kitchen is in response to challenges this small town faces in addressing food access, food production, and community business growth. The “Inadvertent Café” has received less of a response from local producers than expected. As a result Brent identified a need for a clear road map to successful use of the kitchen for both the community kitchen organizers and the community producers, specifically around MN food code regulation. The objective of this project included creating a resource document for the community kitchen audience. This document was guided by input from the Clinton, MN farming, and local food community including identification of road blocks to utilizing the kitchen as well as brainstorming potential solutions to these barriers.enValue-Added and Scaling Up Local Foods: Navigating Regulations for Processing Local Foods in Commercial Kitchens in MinnesotaReport