Beard, DavidJewell, RichardCAMPBELL-JENSEN, ALLISONJiang, YanmeiGHIMIRE, ASMITADAIGLE, BRENTNEVAREZ, EDUARDOWRIGHT, ELIZABETHADAGORA, FRIDAYCAIN, JABARICASHIN, KRISTINAYANG, LAITZIABRENDEN, MARKSCHROM, MARLYTARIS, MARYDAY, MICHAELABRUCH, PATRICKSPLEISS, SARAHJONES MOZENTER, SUKICAIN, SYLVIAREYNOLDS, THOMAS2024-04-282024-04-282024-04 is the complete contents of the MnWE Journal Volume 1, edited by UMD Professor David Beard, using the UMN Pressbooks editing platform. It has been uploaded with the full and written permission of the MnWE executive committee. All authors retain copyright to their own works.enMnWE Journal Volume 1 (2024)Magazine