Shchapov, KirillOzersky, TedWilburn, Paul2021-05-262021-05-262021-05-26 data set contains the results of a study on taxonomic and functional differences between winter and summer zooplankton communities in lakes across a trophic gradient. Thirteen lakes ('Sites.csv') were sampled across a large trophic status gradient for zooplankton abundance, taxonomic and functional community composition, and Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) stable isotopes in relation to environmental parameters. Zooplankton abundance and taxonomic identification were made for all stations ('Zooplankton_abundance.csv'); nutrients and C/N stable isotopes values in file 'Environmental_parameters'; lakes light conditions in summer and winter are presented in file 'Light.csv'; bulk zooplankton C/N stable isotopes are in 'Zooplankton_sia.csv' file.CC-BY Attribution limnologynorthern lakesseasonalityWinter and summer zooplankton community and environmental parameters data of thirteen lakes located in Minnesota and WisconsinDataset