2013-05-292013-05-291993-10Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 6, No. 4 (October 1993)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/149718ARTICLES: Luisa Redondo Botella, Engels on the Origins and Development of Mathematics. E. San Juan, Jr., Hugh MacDiarmid: Sketch of a Materialist Poetics. Ian Jasper, State Monopoly Capitalism Still a Valid Concept? Huang Nansen, History of Marxist Philosophy: A View from China. MARXIST FORUM: Luis Fernandes, On the Validity of the Marxist Concepts of State and Democracy. Communist Party of Canada: One World, One Movement Eight Principles of Our International Relations. BOOK REVIEWS: Susan Kollin, Cultures of United States Imperialism, edited by Amy Kaplan and Donald E. Pease. John Manning, Stalin and Great-Power Chauvinism and Interference and Betrayal, by Tetsuzo Fuwa. AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX TO VOLUME 6. ABSTRACTS OF ARTICLES (in English and French).enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 06, Number 4 (October 1993)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin