Schlosser, Peter Allen2010-08-032010-08-032010-05 of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2010. Major: Work and Human Resource Education. Advisor: Dr. James M. Brown. xii, 235 pages, appendices A-C.Abstract: This paper reports on an investigation into how Marketing and Business Education Teachers utilize and integrate educational technology into curriculum through the use of photography. The ontology of this visual, technological, and language interface is explored with an eye toward visual literacy, digital literacy, and pedagogical praxis, focusing on the technological change that has occurred in photography. It investigates how the teachers are adapting to the changes, how they are incorporating photography and educational technology into the classroom, and how photography is changing the way they teach.en-USBusiness EducationDigital LiteracyEducational TechnologyPedagogyPhotographyWork and Human Resource EducationPedagogical praxis surrounding the integration of photography, visual literacy, digital literacy, and educational technology into business education classrooms : A focus group studyThesis or Dissertation