Noble, Emily2018-04-122018-04-122009 of Wild Health is a community organization whose mission encompasses both preserving seeds of Indigenous Native American plants and also bringing together a wealth of cultural knowledge for the preservation of indigenous tradition. One of the major focuses of the organization is a youth summer camp, which brings twin cities urban youth out to an organic farm where they learn to grow, harvest, and sell indigenous crops in a culturally traditional manner. In addition to growing produce, urban youth who come to the farm learn how to prepare farm grown food for consumption. The research assistant helped the youth learn to prepare and enjoy grown food and understand nutritional considerations in meal preparation by cooking lunches and snacks with them; and assisted with the planting of seed saved beans and develop a variety of bean soup recipes which the youth would find palatable. The beans were harvested in late August. Final soup recipes have been submitted to DWHN, in addition to other favorites from the summer and will be compiled into a cookbook. The question as to whether it is possible to get urban youth with preferences for highly processed food to eat meals that are high in fiber and relatively low in salt and sugar was addressed. While not all of the kids embraced the idea of eating vegetables at first, by the end of the summer the majority of them left saying that the food was one of their favorite things about the camp.enAmerican IndiansCommunity Assistantship Program (CAP)healthlocal foodsNative AmericansFinal Report: Dream of Wild Health ProjectReport