Abrahamson, M.Cervenka, V.Gupta, AngelaHahn, Jeffrey D.Herzfeld, DeanHolman, K.Johnson, Gary R.Reichenbach, Michael RussWyatt, Gary2010-02-262010-02-262009-10http://purl.umn.edu/58524Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is an invasive insect that attacks and kills all ash (Fraxinus sp.) trees. The Emerald Ash Borer First Detectors program is part of the federal “National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) First Detector program that promotes the early detection of invasive, exotic plant pathogens, arthropods, nematodes and weeds.” The EAB First Detector program is designed to help identify the first incidence of EAB in Minnesota. This first in the United States program is a joint project between University of Minnesota Extension, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The EAB First Detector program targeted participants with either a working or volunteer background in forest or tree care. EAB First Detector trainings were held in six statewide full-day training sessions in 2008. A modified version of this program, which now includes additional forest pests, of concern (Gypsy Moth, Asian Longhorned Beetle, and Sirex wood wasp), was held 5 times in 2009. A total of 233 volunteers committed to become First Detectors. These trained individuals scattered throughout the state will improve our scouting abilities in identifying pests and infestations early so management practices can be implemented quickly.en-USEmerald Ash Borer First Detector Program: A Volunteer Early Detection ProgramPresentation