University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies2016-10-272016-10-272015 2015 includes: From the Director, Yagmur Karakaya Badzin Fellow for 2015-2016 Academic Year, Aisha Galayd and Kenneth Gonzales receive 2015 Undergraduate Human Rights Award Winners, Holocaust Education in a Global Context Teacher Workshop, The First Deportation: The German Railway, the American Hospital, and the Armenian Genocide, Michiko Harada, Artist Daniel Blaufuks, Embodying Empathy: Canadian Settler-Colonial Genocide and the Making of a Virtual Indian Residential School, Review of UMN Events to Commemorate the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, CHGS Videos Newly Available, #147notjustanumber, Books of the Month: A Good Place to Hide and Archiving the Unspeakable, and Film: Watchers of the Sky.enCHGS Newsletter - May/June 2015Newsletter or Bulletin