Johnston, BradKelley, MarkWinge, Jonathan2017-03-272017-03-272013 and poster completed by students enrolled in GEOG 5564: Urban GIS, taught by Jeff Matson in spring 2013This project was completed as part of the 2012-2013 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Minnetonka. The City of Minnetonka was interested in developing maximum parking regulations, to limit the amount of parking for new developments, to replace its existing minimum parking regulations. To demonstrate the impact of the regulation change, the City was interested in analyzing the hypothetical impact for the Opus business campus. Minnetonka project lead and city planner Susan Thomas collaborated with students in GEOG 5564: Urban GIS, to develop five parking redesigns for the Opus campus. The students' final report and poster are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentMinnetonkaparkingMinnetonka Projects, 2012-2013City of Minnetonka Maximum Parking Regulations Urban GISReport