Peckham, S.F.2010-03-162010-03-161874 elaborate article upon Peat, contained in the report of the State Geologist for the year 1873, will give the reader a very comprehensive statement of the Peat question in general, and especially of that question as related to the interests of the citizens of Minnesota. Therein may be found abundant proof that good Peat-yes, very good Peat-has been found in this State, and while there is no doubt very much more that is worth very little or nothing, there is enough that is good to warrant the supposition that many more localities than have been brought to the notice of the Geological Survey, are likely to yield peats that may prove more or less valuable as they are more or less remote from forests or means of communication with deposits of coal. For this reason the object of the following pages will be to convey information. Firstly-Regarding the appearance and properties of· the different kinds of peat, in order that those interested in the subject may be able to distinguish the valuable from the worthless varieties without unnecessary expense. Secondly-Regarding such methods of preparing peat for domestic purposes as require but little capital and are of most general application. Thirdly-Regarding any peculiar conditions attending the combustion of peat that may be necessary to render its introduction successful.engeologypeatMinnesota Geological SurveyMinnesotaPeat for Domestic FuelReport