Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082011-10-11https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174305Date: 10/11/11 Location: ACRC Aircraft: Thor Pilot: James Rosenthal Flights: 3 Thor Weather Sunny, moderate southerly winds, temps around 75F. METAR KANE 111750Z 18010KT 10SM SKC 22/13 A2987= We took Thor to ACRC to gather data with and without faults using the baseline controller. We completed 3 flights, with numerous repeats. Winds were a factor, but we were able to complete the flight programs. Motor data was collected for all three flights. Onboard video was collected for flight 28. The new nav filter was running, but the old AHRS filter was used to provide attitude estimates. Note the saved IMU data contains the biases from the new nav filter and should be removed. (ie flight_data.p + flight_data.p_bias). SIL simulation data is below under "Attachments". The controller used for flights 26, 27, and 28 was the baseline controller. Software used was branches/flightcode_nav rev 653 Thor Flight 26: baseline controller, standard roll/pitch doublets. (guidance/doublet_phi_theta.c) New nav filter running in background. R/C Rx: A=516,L=140,F=6,H=0.en-USThor FlightACRCAnokaBaseline ControlRollPitchDoubletsGuidanceNavigationAHRSFilterThor Flight 26Dataset