University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies2016-10-062016-10-062006 2006 includes: The Year in Review, World Risks Abandoning Darfur as Genocide Continues, The "Problem" of 11 Million Holocaust Victims, "Three Turkish Voices" at UCLA, American Ambassador to Armenia Recalled after Mentioning "Genocide Word", German Novelist Gunther Grass Admits Membership in Waffen SS, CHGS Video Programs on I-Tunes Video Store, Japan Still Reluctant to Admit World War II Atrocities, CHGS and MnSCU Team Up for Teacher's Conference on the Holocaust and Genocide, First International Teacher's Institute on the Shoah Held in Poland, and Poland Wins Auschwitz Name Change.enCHGS Newsletter - Fall/Winter 2006 - Vol. 9 Iss. 1Newsletter or Bulletin