Chew, Katherine2014-12-152014-12-152008-10Poster Exhibit, Midwest Chapter Medical Library Association/Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association 2008 Conference, Vital Signs: Keeping You and Your Library Vibrant and Healthy, October 17-21, Troy, MI presented at the Midwest Chapter/MLA annual meeting, in Troy, MI, Oct 2008Objective: In order to reduce journal subscription and bindery costs to avoid cancellations in an era of declining budgets, as well as free up shrinking physical space, the Health Sciences Libraries at the University of Minnesota embarked on a several year project, starting in 2006, to reduce the amount of print journals it was receiving. Methods: Online availability reports from serial vendors were obtained, data from a cumulative in-house use print journal project was utilized, as well as electronic journal usage statistics from our link resolver, SFX. Faculty and Interlibrary loans needs played into the mix, as did licensing agreements. Results: Over 500 print journals were cancelled and many other titles had electronic access upgraded. Discussion: Many issues, challenges and road-blocks were discovered as part of the process that had significant impact on title decisions.enE-JournalsMetricsMore Than Just Going E-Only: Print Reduction Project at the University of Minnesota Health Sciences LibrariesPresentation