University of Minnesota: Faculty Consultative Committee2011-03-302011-03-301986-03-20 Minutes of March 6 meeting (enclosed). 2. Report of the Chair. 3. Semesters: What schedule modifications may be in order for considering the semester system issue since the survey responses from the coordinate campuses will be arriving later than those from the Twin Cities? 4. Report of the Williams Committee on evaluating the three-year experiment of expanded Civil Service representation on Senate and Assembly committees. Guest: Professor C. Arthur Williams. (REPORT ENCLOSED to FCC.) 5. CtF Special Committees: Further action if any which FCC should take at this point regarding the preliminary reports from the Committee on Preparation Standards and from the Committee on Coordinating Twin Cities' Lower Division Education. (Update from Ellen Berscheid on the work of the Coordinating Committee.) 6. Interdisciplinary graduate programs at the University: Exchange of views, observations, and suggestions regarding the University's mechanism for evolving, creating, evaluating, and financing new programs. 7. Other business.en-USsenateMinutes: Faculty Consultative Committee: March 20, 1986Minutes