Canon, Sarah2018-05-022018-05-022018 revolution has arrived. Technology is advancing, the classroom is evolving, and the role of the technical communicator is shifting. With all of these changes, the next generation has great potential for their educational experience. How might technical communicators play a role in developing the future of our society through these next generation students? This study documents the shift in the educational paradigm due to technological advancements, analyses of the future of learning technologies, and examines methods of teaching and learning with specific attention to the role of the technical communicator. The objective is to understand how the role of the technical communicator has and will change, add value to learning technologies, and mediate gaps in terms of developing and implementing learning technologies. As a whole, the project provides insight into the overlap of emerging technologies, classroom education, and technical communication.eneducationlearning technologiesemerging technologiesK-12technical communicationnext generationNEXT GENERATION EDUCATION: Implications For Technical CommunicatorsScholarly Text or Essay