Min, MankiLanka, RaghuramHuang, XiaoDu, Ding-Zhu2020-09-022020-09-022003-05-02https://hdl.handle.net/11299/215564A wireless ad-hoc network is a wireless, multihop network without an infrastructure. And due to the limited resources of hosts in the network, the resource utilization becomes more critical. As a result, construction of virtual backbones in wireless ad-hoc networks gets more attractive. In this paper, we present a distributed approximation scheme for minimum connected dominating sets in unit-disk graphs which can serve as a virtual backbone in the network. Our algorithm has the performance ratio of 7 and the message complexity of $O(n log n)$, which are the best among the schemes in the literature.en-USA Distributed Approximation for Minamum Connecting Dominated Sets in Wireless NetworksReport