Carlson, KristinOwen, Andrew2019-07-222019-07-222019-04 research presents a series of accessibility methodologies developed for bus-highway system interactions. Accessibility is defined as the collective number of jobs that can be reached by a particular mode of transportation within a given travel time period. The effects of managed lanes (ML), park-and-ride (PNR), and travel costs on walk-up transit accessibility are measured for the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) region. Each methodology is introduced, supported by a literature review, and described in detail before scenario results are presented. The final analysis uses the ML and PNR methodologies to establish a comprehensive transit accessibility profile for the Twin Cities, which accounts for the dual impact of auxiliary transportation facilities.enAccessibilityManaged lanesPark and rideTravel costsMethodologyEvaluation and assessmentLand use planningAccessibility ObservatoryAccessibility and Behavior Impacts of Bus-Highway System InteractionsReport